Why Slow and Steady can Sustainably Transform our Habits

Anjelica Ilovi
20 min readJan 17, 2024

Our modern society is filtrated with faster and quicker methods in health, fitness and business. But the quick road isn’t always sustainable.

Image: Anjelica Ilovi

We obtain fast results but find it difficult to retain them. People start over, and over, and over — and wonder — why do I end up in the same place? In the same situations? Why do I feel trapped or repeat things even though it does not satisfy or bring fulfilment?


  • The Power of Slowing Down to change your Life and Habits
  • Faster and harder is not always better
  • What is Intrinsic Motivation?
  • The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  • Intrinsic motivation comes from within ourselves
  • How slowing down helps us to develop intrinsic motivation
  • How distractions prevent us from slowing down and living mindfully
  • Why slowing down is key to making change with the same mind that is keeping us stuck
  • How to slow down and get off the rat wheel
  • The effects of psychological development in childhood



Anjelica Ilovi

And breathe ☁️ I write about how to live a calmer life on anjelicailovi.com ✨ Journalist BSc Psychological Science